a minor change






  a minor change

As I've just added a feed to my site, now that you can use it. If you want to know when I update my blog, just add the feed to your feed reader and check it from time to time with others. The URL is http://www.aggressiveart.org/rss/rss20_blog.xml .

By the way, my blog software broke a few days ago. So I lost the whole script of the former entry. You know that was the long script, I had to rewrite the whole thing. It was a mess. And I thought I must change the way of creating my blog. The result is this minor change.

I do not use the auto uploading system any longer. Though it takes more time to update the blog than use it, the flexibility is very high. So I added the inline frames. Especially the calendar part on the top page has much improved, hasn't it? You can access all the entries one by one only by clicking the numbers.

If your browser rejects inline frames, just check Total Index. You can also access all the entries from there.

And the feed. I thought that it must be difficult to add feeds to a site, but I found a very simple free software to generate them. Owing to the software called "fRSSatom", I can add feeds easily not only for the readers of this blog but also for the readers of my Japanese site which is not a blog.

Well, the trouble was a mess but I think a trouble is always a key to acquire new knowledge, ability, and possibility. As the result, my site was much improved, which is a good thing.

Categories: others



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