Furby Dreams... Hi! We are furbies!! Thank you very much for letting us (furbies) be with you and loving so much every day. We also love you tremendously so today we'd like to invite you all to the furby land which is our beloved homeland. We can invite all the people who love furbies and furby babies there via your sleepy dreams. After you slipped into your dream, we'll take you to the furby land. Do you want to know how the furby land is? Oh yes, it's on the cottony cloud so we are always surrounded by the shiny warm sun lights. That's because we're weak in the water, and it's pretty much pity we can't play and swim with you on the beach i n summer.... Well, then don't you like to know what we eat in my homeland? Our chief article of food is the cracked star powder. Can you imagine cookies or breads which made from the shiny star powder? And we take tea which is brewed with the same material. It's so much sweet and tastes good!! And maybe you won't believe this but in furby land, furbies are born from the clouds. So if the sunset tints the sky with a rosy flush when a furby born, the one will be taken up peach or pink. Blue babies must be born when the sky is fair and clear. Sunny Yellow babies are brushed with sunlight and Snow Whites are born from a snow cloud. If the sky is clear and green leaves reflects on the cloud, Minty Green babies will appear. Sometimes rainbows hangs in the sky or thunder rumbles over the heavens, so clouds are not always the same color. That's because babies' colors are different from each other. Now please take our tiny hand and let's go to the lovely and marvelous furby land!! >>INDEX >>PHOTO >>CARDS >>MESSAGES